It’s The Really Not So Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

As you may have seen, I recently posted a Top 10 Halloween Movies list that will really get you into the spirit of the holiday, check that out here.

However, on my list, ‘It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown’ was nowhere to be found. I was already anticipating someone telling me to add it to the list, so I decided to explain why I would not include it on any list.

  • It is not a movie. According to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences a featured film (or ‘movie’) needs to run for at least 40 minutes in order to be called a movie. Charlie Brown is sitting at 25. Which, should not only exclude it from every ‘movie’ list, but also goes hand in hand with my #2 reason
  • If I were to include cartoon shorts, there are much better ones that would take its place. Just to name a few: Treehouse of Horrors (Simpsons), Ed Edd N Eddy’s Boo Haw Haw, Billy and Mandy’s Jacked-Up… All of these, I might add, run for 22 minutes. This means that all of these shows are the same kind of contenders as ‘It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown’ making it really just a show.
  • If we were to include shows there would be many other options to pick. What about the slutty pumpkin from How I Met Your Mother? Or the Halloween episode from The Office? Or Tricks and Treats from Freaks and Geeks… Bill dressed as a woman… That’s just good TV right there.
  • That last reason that this would never go on one of my lists is because it is just plain not a good show. Just because a person watched something when they were young does not mean that it was good. This show was made before there were handheld calculators… In this, and many other cases, old does not equal good.

The fact that this show finds itself on almost every Top Halloween Movie list is the reason that these lists are so skewed. Movies should only be ranked so high by their own merit. Not by the fact that there is nothing else to watch in 1966.

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