I Hate Math Labs

So, there I was taking my math test. When a girl sits next to me, which was fine, but she then started to chew her finger nails… And I mean she was going to town on these nails, I could hear them snap. It was loud. Finally, I took about 30 seconds to sit and stare at her, she saw me, then stopped. She finished her test and I was relived to have some peace.

However, just 30 seconds later another girl sits next to me. I swear this was the girl off of the show One Big Happy Family. She was breathing so heavily from her walk that I found myself mentally going over the steps of CPR, for when she passes out. She sat there taking her test, but every breath sounded like an angry Pug… Finally I had it with these Darth Vader sounding, nail biting, girls! However, when I turned to ask if this was her having a heart attack or what the hell is going on I saw that she had her head on the desk… Asleep and snoring… Loudly.

Well, I decided there was only one thing to do. since we were both on the same desk, Every time the snoring got too loud, I would kick the leg of the desk. This would startle her a bit, she would sit up, work a bit of a math problem, then the snoring would start again… Rinse and repeat.

The people behind me thought this was so funny, that when I was leaving a guy said it was making him cry because he was laughing so hard…

Happy I could help. = )

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